Archive for January, 2014

The Day You Never Forget

January 1, 2014

Sometimes I get a little gem of a tale sent. This is one such gem by Roy Marriot
Getting married. The wedding day. The happiest day of your life – Hmmm or was it?
I need to tell you a few things that took place before the day in question. I shall leave out a lot of the ‘nitty gritty’.
I met my wife, Grace on 3rd March 1956 whilst on leave from national service (Catterick Camp. HQ. Drawing Office). We got engaged in December 1956. In May 1957, whilst I was away at an army friend’s wedding in Darlington, Grace and her mum saw, and laid down a deposit, on an old – very old- thro’ terrace house in a slum clearance area in Armley – namely James Street – off Tong Road. Grace’s mum coughed up the sum of £70 deposit (it took us 12 months to pay her back). The mortgage was £2 -16 – 8d per month over 10 years. As you can imagine the house was in a ‘real state’. Big hole in the kitchen ceiling, doors hanging off, outside loo down the street, to name but a few of the problems.
Grace and her mum certainly had visions though because by the time we were married the house was like a show house thanks to the many friends and many hours and the cash Grace and I managed to put in. The night prior to my wedding day was spent walking down Memory Lane. couldn’t even afford a pint or two with my mates.
Well back to the ‘happiest day of my life’. After tying the knot we had to get to the Wallace Arnold Coach Station – no bus to get us there on time – not enough cash for a taxi. So we walked from near Gott’s Park to Wellington Street, via Tong Road to collect our cases. Needless to say we missed the coach. I had in my pocket the grand total of £1-16 shillings. I had no choice but to buy two single train tickets to our honeymoon destination in Blackpool. In today’s money I had thirty p. left for a week’s holiday. It was nearly midnight before we arrived in Bank Street North Shore, Blackpool. The wedding night was nonexistent we were both so shattered.
You know, when I awoke next morning and saw this angel asleep next to me I thought ‘what a lucky man I am!’ I’m pleased to say I have been lucky ever since. We had five lovely kids. I lost her to cancer in 1998, but we had forty years, our life was complete. I’m sure the early hiccup only helped strengthen our resolve. When you are down the only way is up!

What a lovely little tale Roy.

Last month’s was of course the folly at Roundhay Park. Michael got it right.
What about this now forlorn once vibrant building?
Fish Hut Potrait